Thursday, October 21, 2010

Run on

As the wind swoops 'round the roof and the lights dim just enough bright to squint and punch the keys in side of the QWERTY is the end and ten digits punch 26 plus space and punctuations like comma comma comma hold my spot save my placement and back gimme that I definitely 'preciate it all day tummy speaks grumbles peak so i eat to no avail just repeats till i reach satiation it dont matter so i ignore certain cravings knowin they wont clench cool or curb my desire kinda amazing like spidey the one wit 2 hands not 8 they're not that cool the red n blue dude that turned black then he was evil kinda rude dont you think question mark he couldnt dance just the baggy pants and whip appeal was the only part they had slight right still if he turned white wud his hair smell like bologna that was wrong why's it spelled the way it is question mark thats so crazy confusin as a kid tryna learn this language and the rules keep changin she said always put I before an E except when they follow C well my eyes didnt see what she mean so i had to keep a ceiling and receipt close 2 me and a semi-colon goes where question mark u jus said a period goes there exclamation exclamation expletive now my placement is the corner of the room on time-out ready to bounce I'll write a five page paper to explain my behavior get back on her good side but still it needs a punch line I aint punctuatin s*%t ha ha see if she can follow this if she keep addin rules to english turnin the fun off then ima keep writing like a rebel comma run on.